Bexley Acupuncture Clinic

Full information about Establishment and health Bexley Acupuncture Clinic at 11 Alford Road, Erith, England DA8 1PP. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


11 Alford Road, Erith, England DA8 1PP
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Phone number:
+44 7702 626726


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Bexley Acupuncture Clinic

Reviews about Bexley Acupuncture Clinic

  • Jill
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    I went to Bexley Acupuncture Clinic for my acne. I was sceptical at first but I gave it a go. Anita treats the cause of the problem (which in my case was stress) and I would always leave feeling relaxed, which saw me through the week. I was given a series of treatments and it really made a difference- even my dad noticed! I used to be really conscious about my skin and would wear concealer but now I don’t wear any. I go back every three months or so to keep on top of it or when I know I will be in a stressful situation- Anita is lovely and finds time to fit me in. I think a lot of people worry about the needles, but there’s nothing to worry about as the needles used for acupuncture are tiny, making it pain free. Anita also only uses the needles where necessary, so you don’t get covered in them as people may imagine! I definitely recommend acupuncture as it is a natural, long term solution for treating any problem and can potentially be an alternative to medication. You can’t say you have tried everything until you have tried acupuncture.
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Bexley Acupuncture Clinic | Classical Five-Element Acupuncture – treating the individual

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